Update your living quarters with SURYA rugs, mirrors, table lamps and other must-have pieces. Belk offers SURYA area rugs and other products to complement your existing home décor. Protect your hardwood flooring with easy-to-clean SURYA rugs. And when it starts to get cold, you’ll appreciate having area rugs on the hardwood floor. Shop 100% wool SURYA rugs in a variety of sizes to place near your bed, so your feet won’t get chilly when you’re stepping out of bed in the morning. Discover the perfect rugs to complement your comforter set, too. Plus, SURYA area rugs can help reduce the noise level in a household full of kids and pets.

Explore SURYA rugs featuring intricate designs, bright patterns and vivid and warm colors in a range of sizes ideal for the dining room, bedroom, hallways and other rooms. Pair SURYA area rugs with coffee tables, living room sofas and bookcases and shelves. Be sure to browse the selection of complementary SURYA table and floor vases ideal for artificial flowers.

Is it time to cover up bare walls? Shop stylish SURYA mirrors that can bring any space together. If you’re looking for an elegant mirror, the stunning 32 x 32-inch SURYA mirror with raised flower framing is a perfect addition.

With so many SURYA rugs and other products available, the decoration possibilities are endless.